Our History
Behind every great person or entity, popular belief says there is a ‘significant other’, supporting from the sidelines or behind the scenes. Reach PLC is the largest news publisher in the UK, and its ‘Significant Other’ has been the printing company that has grown to become Reach Printing Services. From humble beginnings dating back to the 19th Century, with the launch of the Newcastle Journal, Reach Printing Services now boasts an extensive print portfolio consisting of both internal and contract print clients, highlighting that it is most certainly a company with a strong print heritage…

Our History
Behind every great person or entity, popular belief says there is a ‘significant other’, supporting from the sidelines or behind the scenes. Reach PLC is the largest news publisher in the UK, and its ‘Significant Other’ has been the printing company that has grown to become Reach Printing Services. From humble beginnings dating back to the 19th Century, with the launch of the Newcastle Journal, Reach Printing Services now boasts an extensive print portfolio consisting of both internal and contract print clients, highlighting that it is most certainly a company with a strong print heritage…
Reach PLC
Today, Reach Printing Services boasts three print sites, conveniently located throughout the UK, with unrivalled capabilities and contingency provision that is second to none. Our specialist team of experts have over 10,500 combined years of experience in production, manufacturing, health, safety, environmental standards, distribution, maintenance and prepress. Our 230+ internal customers include 9 national titles and over 110 regional publications. Our 250+ external contract customers range from brands, agencies, print buyers and retailers to publishers, councils and universities – all with varying levels of knowledge, needs and locations. We print around 2.1 billion pages every week, and deliver around 2.7 million products every day, with some clients printing just 1,500 copies and others printing millions in a single run. We think that is something to boast about!
Rationalised our print operations
Rationalised our print operations to allow us to continue to operate efficiently and effectively to match our future requirements:
Luton Print Site
As part of the Northern & Shell Media Group Ltd acquisition, Luton West Ferry becomes part of the Reach Printing Services network. The £100 million state-of-the-art facility was previously opened in November 2011. As part of the acquisition, Trinity Mirror Plc was renamed to Reach Plc on 8th May 2018.

Local World
Local World, consisting of 83 regional print titles, is acquired. Simon Fox, Chief Executive, said: “Today is a good day for local media. It is a vote of confidence in local press and its future.”

Teesside Print Site
Investment into the Teesside Print Site with Inserting capability added.

Watford Print Site
Watford completes an £80 million repressing project.
Oldham Print Site
Oldham completes a £50 million repressing project. Two further lines are added in 2008 and 2009.
Birmingham Print Site
The Birmingham site is opened on the former Dunlop Tyre Factory site, bringing together the ageing Birmingham and Coventry print sites of Midlands Independent Newspapers.
Trinity Mirror PLC
Trinity and Mirror Group Newspapers merge, resulting in the Company name changing to Trinity Mirror Printing Ltd.
Cardonald Print Site
A new purpose-built print centre is established on the environmentally reclaimed former landfill site, officially opened by the Right Honourable Tony Blair in October 1995 to mark the centenary celebrations of the Scottish Daily Record.
Oldham Print Site
Previously the Ferranti diesel generator plant, the Oldham site is converted into a printing site in 1989.

Watford Print Site
In 1954, Odhams Press Hall was built on the current Watford site, designed by Yates, Cook and Derbyshire, later protected by the local council because of its innovative clock tower. Further developments took place over the years and, in 1989, it becomes part of Mirror Colour Print.

Daily Mirror
The first edition of the Daily Mirror is published by Alfred Harmsworth as a newspaper for women, run by women – with Mary Howarth as Editor.

Newcastle Journal
Launch of Newcastle Journal, published by ncjMedia, a division of Trinity Mirror (*source-archive.is/FM1A)