Cost Mitigation

Cost Mitigation

The print industry has seen many changes over the years with online opportunities developing, offering new ways to reach the consumer.  Thankfully, publishers, businesses and marketers realise that print products are still very important; they are valued, trusted...
Cost Mitigation

Coldset Printing

There are many types of printing methods.  For example, web presses can be either coldset or heatset. Our print sites use the coldset process, which means the ink dries gradually through absorption into the paper and by evaporation, in comparison to heatset,...
Cost Mitigation

Do you know your facts?

Sustainable Future There are many ways to communicate, now more than ever before, but perception of the environmental impact of marketing channels can be very misleading. Perhaps you’ve read statements such as: ‘By keeping it digital, you’re doing your bit to help the...
Insert Advertising – all you need to know!

Insert Advertising – all you need to know!

Insert Advertising remains a unique platform for showcasing products and services.  Print is tangible, has impact, it gets response and is remembered.  Inserts stand out from the product they are placed in and allow for a variety of options such as size,...
Choosing the right Paperstock

Choosing the right Paperstock

Choosing the right Paperstock When choosing a paperstock for your print product, there are several considerations to make, including: your choice of print process; the look you want to achieve; the distribution method; shelf life; image reproduction; environmental...
Print’s Charming at B2B Marketing Expo, Excel

Print’s Charming at B2B Marketing Expo, Excel

Print’s Charming at B2B Marketing Expo, Excel The Print’s Charming campaign aims to remind people how powerful print is when used as part of a multi-channel approach, by sharing statistics, facts, research and case studies. It also focuses on the effectiveness...
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